

How much of yourself do you show on your blog, Facebook and Twitter? A little while ago someone I knew from Twitter wrote a super personal blogpost. She bared her soul and I respected her for that, because let’s be honest: online you’re a completely different person that ’in real life’. Typed letters and edited pictures give you the option to present yourself the way YOU want to. Not happy about something? Then just don’t show it. What they don’t know, won’t hurt them (or actually, you). I do this too.

The personal blog inspired me to write one too. But eventually decided to not post it. Why? I just wasn’t sure. A little while after that, I heard Diana (from Webvedettes) make a nice comparison: share what you’d tell another parent at the school while you drop your kids, but no more. So if someone asks ’How are you?’, you can talk about your kid being sick last night, but leave out the details. I don’t have any children, but I get the geste.

It of course depends on the purpose of your blog. If you have shop for breastfeeding-clothing, it makes sense to share your personal experiences. But me, as a designer, don’t think it really adds to share everything about myself. So in doubt, use Diana’s wisdom, that’s what I do :)

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