
Portfolio - description

What kind of information to you put in your description? Keep in mind this is also searchable text. Keep it short, but clear. A few elements that are wise to include:

It’s always a good idea to add a watermark on your works, but also add it in the text. It’s better to say it once too many, than not enough. Unfortunately it happens way too often people not understanding they can’t just download you images from you website. Text like ’©ankepanke.nl Please don’t copy, edit or (digitally of printed) use without my permission. And when you do (get my permission), always credit. Thanks!’ informs them (and might demotivate them to download).

Who did you create it for? If applicable, you can also add a link to their website, so people can see your design in use. Did you create it just for fun, say it’s ’free work’.

This is not obligatory, but can be interesting. It’s also wise to only put recent work on your portfolio, something you made 10 years ago, even if you’re really proud of it, you might do differently now.

Describe what the client had in mind and how you translated that into the design. Keep it short.

If applicable, add what programs or materials you used to create the design. Like vector, photoshop effects or cardboard, cut by hand, etcetera.

This blogpost is part of a short series about portfolio’s
Want to read them all? Click here (about work, language, design, etc).

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